About Me

Hi! I’m Susanne,

Mum to 8 year old Ollie and 5 year old Phoebe. This blog is for any parent or carer looking for simple-to-follow party ideas or every-day activities to entertain their little ones.

I am somewhat of a Monica (you can probably spot my love of Friends by my daughter’s name, my son narrowly avoided being named Chandler) in that I thrive on organising and planning. I love doing crafts with my children & their friends and thinking of ways to use up party supply leftovers and the random items in those craft kits that every child receives several of over the years. I drive my mother mad by refusing to throw away any interesting packaging or boxes until the kids and I have turned them into a dolls house, a rocket or a fairyland!

I am nowhere near mastering this parenting malarky - I lose my rag most mornings getting ready for school, my house is generally a tip (the thought of unannounced visitors sends me into a cold sweat) and at the end of most days I promise myself I won’t look at my phone in front of the kids as much tomorrow. Our house is very much a work in progress - with the work due to commence aaaaaany day now - so no designer living in the background of my pictures. I am no crafting expert or talented artist but I’m kind of hoping that all this will be my selling point. I am a normal mum and my ideas are simple & straight-forward, made with items that most parents will have lying around the house already - pom poms, pens and paper plates in abundance! I have not set up this blog to impress, I have done it to share my ideas in the hope that someone, somewhere, will think “I could do that” and actually do it, not just look at the images and think “I wish I could make things like that”. Because we’re all in this crazy world of bringing up little people together and if we can help each other out by sharing ideas, we should. And we don’t have to take our children on extravagant holidays and expensive days out to be good parents - sometimes they’re just as happy making potions from the out-of-date contents of our kitchen cupboards!

I hope some of you find my posts useful and if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas of your own, I would really love to hear from you!